Special Education Services

Special Education Services

The Department of Special Education consists of intervention specialists, school psychologists and related service personnel who work with our students identified as having a disability. The district contracts with North Point Educational Service Center for additional services such as: Preschool services, occupational and physical therapy. Special education is a set of services involving techniques, exercises, and subject matter designed for students whose learning needs cannot be met by a standard school curriculum.  In Oregon City Schools, we believe that all children are entitled to educational opportunities consistent with their ability to learn.  Numerous programs are available from age three through age 21.  For students ages birth to three years, please refer to this website: www.helpmegrow.ohio.gov/
Special education services are offered to students who qualify under the Individuals With Disabilities Educational Improvement Act of 2004 (IDEIA) and also under the Operating Standards for Ohio Educational Agencies Serving Children with Disabilities.  These references can be found at: https://education.ohio.gov Type: IDEA or Operating Standards in the search box. Services for students with disabilities may be provided in environments ranging from a general education classroom, pull-out services in a resource room, self-contained resource rooms, or alternative program placements as determined by the multi-factored evauation (MFE).

The role of the school psychologists in Oregon City Schools is to assist in the development of appropriate educational programs for students in preschool through high school, who are experiencing difficulties with the general education curriculum or with developmental delays.  The goal is to keep all students involved in their regular education classrooms for as long and as much as possible.  However, when learning, behavioral, and/or medical concerns arise that cannot be managed in the general education setting, students have the right to have their special needs adequately identified so appropriate plans and strategies can be developed.

Oregon City Schools is proud to provide necessary services to all students identified with disabilities. Schools categorize disabilities into 14 areas*. These areas are as follows:

1. Autism
2. Intellectual Disability
3. Deaf-Blindness
4. Deafness
5. Emotional Disturbance
6. Hearing Impairment
7. Multiple Disabilities
8. Orthopedic Impairment
9. Other Health Impairment
10. Specific Learning Disability
11. Speech/Language Impairment
12. Traumatic Brain Injury
13. Visual Impairment
14. Developmental Delay

*The above disabilities are defined in the Ohio Operating Standards for the Education of Children with Disabilities. The definitions are found at:  https://education.ohio.govType:Definition of disabilitiesin the search box
Specialized Related Services:The following services may be provided to students who qualify under an IEP:

Adaptive Physical Education
Speech/Language Services
Diagnostic Medical
Occupational Therapy
Orientation and Mobility
Physical Therapy
School Psychological Service 
Teacher of Deaf/Visually Impaired
Paraprofessional Services

A parental guide for students identified as having a disability, "A Guide to Parent Rights in Special Education", can be found at:

In Accordance with Senate Bill 316, Oregon City Schools is notifying all parents of students with an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) of the availability of the Autism Scholarship Program and the Jon Peterson Special Needs Program. Per section 3310.41 and 3310.51 to 3310.64 of the Revised Code:

Your child may be eligible for a scholarship under the Autism Scholarship Program or the Jon Peterson Special Needs Program to attend a special education program that implements the child’s individualized education program and that is operated by an alternative public provider or by a registered provider.”

If you have any questions in regard to either scholarship, please contact the Student Services Department of Oregon City Schools at 419.698.6000.

Autism Scholarship Program: http://education.ohio.gov/Topics/Other-Resources/Scholarships/Autism-Scholarship-Program
Jon Peterson Special Needs Scholarship: http://education.ohio.gov/Topics/Other-Resources/Scholarships/Special-Needs-Scholarship
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